Title : Judge Death
Publisher : Piranha
Release Year:
No. Players: 1
Entry Type: Arcade: Adventure
Machine Type: 48K
Availability: Never released
Comments: Heavily advertised by {publishers|10614} and featured in a number of magazine previews. Crash ran a feature on 2000AD games which {publishers|10614} were planning in issue 47 and gave away a free Judge Anderson booklet. The company, however, went bust before this game could be completed/released.#The player would play the role of Judge Anderson who must rid Mega City of the Dark Judges.#Games That Weren't has a feature on the game. The Commodore 64 version of the game was actually finished and can be downloaded from their site. The game is described as a sort of Operation Wolf shoot 'em up (nb - they refer to the game as Judge Anderson).
Updated On : May 25, 2020