Magazine : Computer & Video Games (English)
Issue : 67
Date: May 1987
Medium : Paper
Updated On : 2020-06-04 01:42:47
- Full-page ad 6-Pak vol.1 2
- Full-page ad Paperboy 3
- Full-page ad Paperboy 3
- Full-page ad Silent Service 13
- Full-page ad Silent Service 13
- Full-page ad Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition 17
- Full-page ad Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition 17
- Full-page ad Rana Rama 19
- Full-page ad Rana Rama 19
- Advert Pulsator 20
- Advert Cosmic Shock Absorber 20
- Advert Nemesis the Warlock 20
- Full-page ad -Bargain Software 24
- Full-page ad Spitfire '40 25
- Full-page ad Spitfire '40 25
- Advert -Shekhana Computer Services 29
- Full-page ad Gunship - not a Spectrum advert 33
- Full-page ad Cholo - coming soon ... 35
- Full-page ad AcroJet 39
- Full-page ad 5 Computer Hits 42
- Full-page ad Head over Heels 46
- Full-page ad Head over Heels 46
- Full-page ad Red Scorpion - ref. "Scorpion" 51
- Full-page ad Nemesis - coming soon ... 57
- Full-page ad Nemesis - coming soon ... 57
- Full-page ad Five Star Games 2 60
- Full-page ad Now Games 4 69
- Advert Premier 2 Superleague 74
- Advert Oink! 74
- Advert European 2 74
- Full-page ad Auf Wiedersehen Monty 75
- Advert Bubbler 76
- Full-page ad -Ultimate Play the Game - Hubble Bubble Martianoid Trouble 76
- Advert Martianoids 76
- Full-page ad Samurai Trilogy 77
- Full-page ad Gauntlet - The Deeper Dungeons 78
- Full-page ad Tai-Pan 83
- Advert -Mail-Soft 86
- Advert -Maros Computers 86
- Full-page ad Speedking joystick 89
- Advert Road Runner 96
- Advert -Cascade Games 96
- Advert -Logic Mail Order 97
- Advert They Sold a Million 99
- Advert They Sold a Million 2 99
- Advert They Sold a Million 3 99
- Advert -Castle Computers (Castle Software) 100
- Advert Football Director 100
- Advert -Cut Price Software 100
- Advert Records File 100
- Advert International Manager 100
- Advert 2-Player Super League 100
- Full-page ad Mag Max 101
- Full-page ad Big Sleaze, The 108
- Full-page ad Arkanoid 113
- Full-page ad Arkanoid 113
- Full-page ad Mario Bros 115
- Full-page ad Metrocross 116
- Full-page ad Metrocross 116